clovr employees making marijuana edibles

Former Restaurant Employees Happy to Work in Cannabis

By CLOVR Cannabis

June 3 2022

medical marijuana interview personal experience covid-19

It’s been a year since the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic changed all of our lives. One of the industries that felt the hit the hardest is the restaurant industry. Now that restaurants are reopening and people feel comfortable dining in public again, restaurant owners and managers are finding it difficult to fill open positions.

One industry that seems to have no problem hiring qualified workers in Missouri is the burgeoning medical marijuana industry. Here at CLOVR we have multiple kitchens to run and have found that former food industry employees are perfectly suited to jobs in our manufacturing facility.

As Nick Starling from KSHB reports, many individuals are making the jump to the new industry. “They’re shifting from cooking on pots in a restaurant to making pot edibles.”

medical marijuana product developers working at clovr

Many former restaurant workers report better pay and a better environment as driving factors for choosing cooking with cannabis over another food service job. CLOVR Kitchen Lead, Shane Hallock, says “I’m seeing a lot of cooks, cocktail servers a lot of people from the restaurant industry coming here, and I think it’s a quality-of-life issue and just not working so much for as little.”

Another CLOVR Kitchen Lead, Will Findley, is one of several friends who have left the hospitality industry and not looked back. “We talk a lot about the improved quality of life since we’ve left the restaurant industry,” Findley said.

Now they’re working on providing Missouri medical marijuana patients with an improved quality of life as well by creating tasty and consistently dosed edibles. Read the full story and watch the news segment at If you’re looking for a job with CLOVR, click here to view open positions.